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Patient Rights & Responsibilities

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As a recipient of Federal financial assistance, SAINT LUKE’S SHOAL CREEK SURGERY CENTER treats patients and their caregivers with respect, consideration and dignity and does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, language, physical or mental disability, veteran’s status, geographic location, sexual orientation, personal values or belief systems or age in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits under any of its programs and activities, whether carried out by SAINT LUKE’S SHOAL CREEK SURGERY CENTER, directly or through a contractor or any other entity with which SAINT LUKE’S SHOAL CREEK SURGERY CENTER arranges to carry out its programs and activities. Patients will receive a copy of these rights and responsibilities the day of the patient’s procedure.


Each patient has the right to:

  1. Receive appropriate care in a safe setting as directed by the provider from staff members who are friendly, considerate, respectful, and qualified to perform the services for which they are responsible with the highest quality of service.
  2. Expect appropriate privacy with regard to treatment while in the facility and treatment of all patient health information held by the facility in medical records except when disclosure is required by law.
  3. Approve or refuse the release of patient health information except in the case of acute transfer to another facility or when disclosure is otherwise required by law.
  4. Complete information, to the extent known by the provider, regarding diagnosis, evaluation, treatment plan, procedure and prognosis, as well as alternative treatments or procedures and the potential risks and side effects associated with treatment plan and procedure.
  5. Participate in decisions regarding their healthcare, except when contraindicated for medical reasons. If the patient is unable to participate in such decisions, the patient’s rights shall be exercised by the patient’s designated representative or other legally designated person.
  6. Information regarding the scope of services available at the facility and provisions for after-hours emergency care.
  7. Information related to fees for services rendered and facility policies regarding payment for such services.
  8. Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and be informed of the medical consequences of such a refusal. The patient accepts responsibility for his or her actions should he or she refuse treatment or not follow the instructions of the provider or facility.
  9. Be fully informed of any human experimentation or other research projects affecting his or her care or treatment. The patient has the right to refuse participation in such experimentation or research without compromise to the patient’s care.
  10. Be fully informed of the facility’s policy regarding advance directives/living wills.
  11. Information regarding and assistance in changing primary or specialty providers if other qualified providers are available.
  12. Request information regarding the credentialing of healthcare professionals who provide care at the facility.
  13. Information regarding the absence of malpractice insurance coverage when applicable to the healthcare professional providing patient care.
  14. Information regarding the procedure for expressing suggestions and/or grievances and external appeals as required by state and federal regulation.
  15. Be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.
  16. Be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity.
  17. Be free from any act of discrimination or reprisal.
  18. Voice grievances regarding treatment or care that is (or fails to be) furnished.
  19. Be fully informed about a treatment or procedure and the expected outcome before it is performed.
  20. Personal privacy
  21. Receive care in a safe setting by competent and appropriately qualified personnel.
  22. Be given the name of their attending physician, the names of all other physicians directly assisting in their care, and the names and functions of other health care persons having direct contact with the patient.
  23. Have records pertaining to their medical care treated as confidential.
  24. Know what surgery center rules and regulations apply to their conduct as a patient.
  25. Expect emergency procedures to be implemented without necessary delay.
  26. Expect the absence of clinically unnecessary diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
  27. The expedient and professional transfer to another facility when medically necessary and to have the responsible person and the facility that the patient is transferred to notified prior to transfer.
  28. Treatment that is consistent with clinical impression or working diagnosis.
  29. Good quality care and high professional standards that are continually maintained and reviewed.
  30. An increased likelihood of desired health outcomes.
  31. Full information in layman’s terms concerning appropriate and timely diagnosis, treatment, and preventive measures; if it is not medically advisable to provide this information to the patient, the information shall be given to the responsible person on his/her behalf.
  32. Receive a second opinion concerning the proposed surgical procedure, if requested.
  33. Accessible and available health services; information on after-hour and emergency care.
  34. Receive an informed consent to the physician prior to the start of a procedure.
  35. Be advised of participation in a medical care research program or donor program; the patient shall give consent prior to participation in such a program; a patient may also refuse to continue in a program that has previously given informed consent to participate in.
  36. Receive appropriate and timely follow-up information of abnormal findings and tests.
  37. Receive appropriate and timely referrals and consultation.
  38. Receive information regarding “continuity of care”.
  39. Refuse drugs or procedures and have a physician explain the medical consequences of the drugs or procedures.
  40. Appropriate specialty consultative services made available by prior arrangement.
  41. Medical and nursing services without discrimination based upon age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, disability, or source of payment.
  42. Have access to an interpreter whenever possible.
  43. Be provided with, upon written request, access to all information contained in their medical record.
  44. Accurate information regarding the competence and capabilities of the organization.
  45. Change primary or specialty physicians if other qualified physicians are available.
  46. Health services provided are consistent with current professional knowledge.


Each patient is responsible for:

  1. Provision of complete and accurate information to the best of his/her ability about his/her health, any medications, including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements and any allergies or sensitivities.
  2. Following the treatment plan prescribed by his/her provider and participate in their care
  3. Assuring that a responsible adult is available to transport him/her home from the facility and remain with him/her for 24 hours if required by his/her provider
  4. Informing his/her provider about any living will, medical power of attorney, or other directive that could affect his/her care
  5. Accepting personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by his/her insurance
  6. Being respectful of all the health care providers and staff, as well as other patients and visitors
  7. Respecting the property of others and the facility.
  8. Confirmation of whether he or she clearly understands the planned course of treatment.
  9. Keeping appointments and, when unable to do so for any reason, notifying the facility and provider.


We pledge that each patient will receive the highest patient care available, delivered in a professional, friendly and confidential manner.  Comments or concerns regarding our service may be made directly to our Administrator or you may contact our management company, Outpatient Healthcare Strategies, Inc. by telephone, US Mail or email using the following contact information.


Outpatient Healthcare Strategies
11417 NE State Route 33
Liberty, MO 64068


[email protected]


You may contact the Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman website to report a specific grievance associated with your care at this facility:


Missouri State Department of Health


Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman


Missouri Department of Health & Human Services
Bureau of Health Services Regulation

PO Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570



Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman

(800) 633-4227 or TTY (877)486-2048



5250 Old Orchard Rd., Suite 200
Skokie, IL 60077

(847) 853-6060

[email protected]
